Ignition coils

  • High reliability and stable operation in a wide temperature range (from -50 to +200 °C) without misfiring
  • Vibration-resistant design and improved moisture protection
  • The generated electrical impulse ensures the completeness of fuel combustion, which leads to a reduction in fuel consumption, an increase in power and a reduction in harmful emissions.

Ignition coils are one of the main elements of the car ignition system. They provide the high voltage needed to spark the spark plug by converting low battery voltage into several kilovolts. Depending on the type of ignition system, various types of coils are used: housing, distribution, modular, individual or coil packs. The advanced design of LYNXauto ignition coils minimizes coil short circuits, eliminates radio interference, and exhibits exceptional high-temperature reliability, vibration resistance, and efficient voltage transfer.

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